Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder marked by inflammation, redness, scaling, and the formation of skin plaques. Effectively managing this condition is essential for improving comfort and skin health. To complement traditional medical treatments, consider starting today to explore natural remedies for psoriasis that are doctor-approved.
These may include using topical solutions like aloe vera, incorporating dietary changes to include anti-inflammatory foods, and practicing stress-reducing activities such as yoga or meditation. By exploring these natural options, you can find an effective approach to managing psoriasis symptoms, offering a holistic path to supporting your body and enhancing your well-being.
Natural Treatments
Several natural treatments can help manage psoriasis symptoms:
Exposure to Sunlight
Sunlight, particularly UVB rays, can alleviate psoriasis symptoms. Begin with five to ten minutes of daily sun exposure, gradually increasing the time. When using sunlight as a treatment, protect healthy skin with sunscreen (SPF 30+), ideally with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, to prevent sunburns.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Found in fish like salmon and tuna, omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation. A 2014 study provided "moderate evidence" that these fats may benefit those with psoriasis. Incorporating fish into your diet twice a week or taking fish oil supplements (with doctor consultation) can be helpful.
Present in chili peppers, capsaicin can soothe pain and inflammation. Studies in 1986 and 1993 suggested capsaicin's benefits for psoriasis. Available in pharmacies and health stores, its primary side effect is a stinging sensation upon application.
Turmeric, with its active ingredient curcumin, can help prevent psoriasis flares. A 2018 study supports its efficacy in treating psoriasis. A dose of 1.5 to three grams daily, in pill or supplement form, is recommended.
Oregon Grape
This herbal remedy may suppress the immune response in psoriasis. Summaries of clinical trials found Oregon grape cream to be a "safe and effective" treatment for mild to moderate psoriasis. A 2018 study confirmed its safety and effectiveness with minimal side effects. Look for creams with at least 10 percent strength.
Aloe Vera
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera gel can treat skin issues. A 2018 study showed significant improvement in psoriasis symptoms with aloe vera. Choose unscented creams or gels with at least 0.5 percent aloe content and avoid tablets, which lack efficacy evidence.
Moisturizers can alleviate itching and flaking. Applying a heavy ointment or thick cream thrice daily helps retain moisture. Look for dye- and fragrance-free products labeled “for sensitive skin.”
Dead Sea Salts
Renowned for healing properties, Dead Sea salts can benefit psoriasis, as a 2012 study indicated. Dissolve these salts in lukewarm baths and soak for 15 minutes. Apply moisturizer to damp skin afterward.
Stress can trigger psoriasis flares. Meditation and yoga can mitigate stress and, in turn, manage psoriasis. A 1998 study found meditation beneficial when combined with traditional treatments. Yoga can also relieve joint pain and enhance motion range in psoriatic arthritis.
Colloidal oatmeal can soothe psoriatic skin. Use lukewarm water when soaking or using oatmeal soaps to avoid skin irritation.
Managing Psoriasis Flares
Despite ongoing treatments, flares can occur. Here are preventive tips:
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol can trigger flares and interfere with medications like methotrexate. Reducing or avoiding alcohol can help.
Avoid Cold, Dry Weather
Low humidity or temperature can trigger psoriasis. Protect your skin with moisturizers and a humidifier.
Avoid Skin Injury
Injured skin is prone to flares. Avoid cuts, bruises, sunburns, and tattoos.
Avoid Certain Medications
Some medications, such as chloroquine, lithium, and propranolol, can trigger flares. Consult your doctor before making any changes.
Avoid Smoking
Smoking increases psoriasis risk and reduces medication effectiveness. Quitting smoking can help manage the condition.
Natural treatments, alongside traditional options, can significantly enhance life quality for those with psoriasis.